Corallosphere (Beta)

Extinct and Extant Reef Coral Biodiversity


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
H. Yabe, Sugiyama T.1937Two new species of reef-building corals from Yoron-zima and Amami-Ô-sima
H. Yabe, Sugiyama T.1935A new living coral, Pseudosiderastrea tayamai, from Dobo in Wamar, Aru Islands
H. Yabe, Sugiyama T.1935Revised lists of the reef corals from the Japanese seas and of the fossil reef corals of the raised reefs and the Ryûkyû limestone of Japan
H. Yabe, Sugiyama T.1935Geological and geographical distribution of reef corals in Japan
H. Yabe, Sugiyama T.1933Notes on three new corals from Japan
H. Yabe, Sugiyama T.1932Reef corals found in the Japanese seas
H. Yabe, Sugiyama T.1932A living species of Stylocoenia recently found in Japan
H. Yabe, Sugiyama T.1931A study of Recent and semifossil corals of Japan: 1. Antillia and 2. Caulastraea
H. Yabe, Sugiyama, T., Eguchi, M.1936Recent reef-building corals from Japan and the South Sea Islands under the Japanese mandate. I
N. Yamagiwa1963Some Triassic corals from Portuguese Timor. Palaeontological Study of Portuguese Timor (I)
N. Yamagiwa, Hisada, K. -ichiro, Tamura, M.1988Early Cretaceous hexacorals from the western part of the Sanchu area, Kanto Mountains
N. Yamagiwa, Naruhashi, K. -ichi, Sasada, S.1980Some Early Cretaceous coelenterates from the Yonôzu Group, Ôita Prefecture, in the Shimanto terrain, southwest Japan
N. Yamagiwa, C Zavala, R., E de Divila, V., Kawabe, T.1981A new hexacoral species from the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Yura Group at Cailloma, Arequipa Department, southern Peru
I. Zagorchev2001Introduction to the geology of SW Bulgaria
I. Zagorchev1995Pre-Paleogene alpine tectonics in southwestern Bulgaria
S. Zaman, Lathuilière B.2014A lectotype for Cyathophora richardi Michelin 1843
H. Zibrowius1984Taxonomy in ahermatypic scleractinian corals
H. Zibrowius1982Deep-water scleractinian corals from the south-western Indian Ocean with crypts excavated by crabs, presumably Hapalocarcinidae
H. Zibrowius1980Les scléractiniaires de la Méditerranée et de l'Atlantique nord-oriental
H. Zibrowius1974Redescription of Sclerhelia hirtella from Saint Helena, South Atlantic, and remarks on Indo-Pacific species erroneously referred to the same genus (Scleractinia)
H. Zibrowius, Grygier M. J.1985Diversity and range of scleractinian coral hosts of Ascothoracida (Crustacea: Maxillopoda)
V. N. Zlatarski1968Paraclausastrea, un nouveau genre de madréporaire de I'Aptien de la Bulgarie du Nord [Paraclausastrea, a new madreporian genus from the Aptien of northern Bulgaria]
V. N. Zlatarski1968Diplocteniopsidae, une nouvelle famille de Madreporaria de l'Aptien de la Bulgarie du Nord [Diplocteniopsidae, a new madreporian family from the Aptien of northern Bulgaria]
V. N. Zlatarski1968Paleobiologichni Izsledvaniya Vrkhu Madrepori ot Urgona v Sredniya Predbalkan [Paleobiological Aspects of Madreporian Corals from the Urgonian in the Middle Predbalkan]
V. N. Zlatarski1967Dimorphocoeniopsis beauvaisorum, une nouvelle espèce de Madreporaria du Crétacé inférieur de la Bulgarie
V. N. Zlatarski1967Note sur le genre Clausastrea d’Orbigny
V. N. Zlatarski1966Enallhelia multiradiata sp. n., madréporaire du Crétacé inférieur de la Bulgarie
R. Zuffardi-Comerci1931Paleontologia della Somalia. Parte 2, numero 2. Fossili del Giuralias: Corallari e idrozoi del giuralias della Somalia
R. Zuffardi-Comerci1931Paleontologia della Somalia. Parte 3, numero 4. Fossili del Cretaceo: Corallari del Cretaceo della Somalia
R. Zuffardi-Comerci1930Sulle faune del sopracretacico in Puglia con particolare riguardo a quella di S. Cesarea
R. Zuffardi-Comerci1921Coelenterati del neo-Cretacico della Tripolitania
A. Étallon1864Classe des Polypes
A. Étallon1862Études paléontologiques sur le Haut-Jura. Monographie du Corallien
A. Étallon1860Rayonnés du Jura supérieur de Montbéliard; sur les rayonnés des terrains jurassiques supérieurs des environs de Montbéliard
A. Étallon1859Études paléontologiques sur le Haut-Jura. Rayonnés du corallien


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith