Corallosphere (Beta)

Extinct and Extant Reef Coral Biodiversity


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
J. Stolarski, Vertino A.2007First Mesozoic record of the scleractinian Madrepora from the Maastrichtian siliceous limestones of Poland
F. Stoliczka1892Corals or Anthozoa from the Cretaceous rocks of south India
F. Stoliczka1873Cretaceous fauna of southern India (series 8, parts 4–5). The corals or Anthozoa, with notes on the Sponges, Foraminifera, Arthrozoa and Spondylozoa
A. Stoppani1862Monographie des fossiles de l’Azzarola appartenant à la zone supérieur des couches à Avicula contorta en Lombardie
E. Strand1928Miscellanea nomenclatorica zoologica et palaeontologica
T. N. Stranks1993Catalogue of Recent Cnidaria type specimens in the Museum of Victoria
T. Studer1881Beitrag zur Fauna der Steinkorallen von Singapore
T. Studer1877Übersicht der Steinkorallen aus der Familie der Madreporaria aporosa, Eupsammina und Turbinarina, welche auf der Reise S. M. S. Gazelle um die Erde gesammelt wurden
M. Suraru1961Contributii la Cunoasterea faunei de coralieri din cretacicul superior al bazinului Rosia–Bihor
M. Suraru1957Contributii la Cunoasterea faunei de coralieri din cretacicul superior al bazinului Borodului (N.p.)
N. H. M. Swinburne, Bilotte, M., Pamoukthiev, A.1992The stratigraphy of the Campanian-Maastrichtian rudist beds of Bulgaria and a reassessment of the range of the genus Pironaea
R. C. Baron-Szabo2015Paraclausastrea vorarlbergensis sp. nov.; a new coral from the Lower Cretaceous of western Austria (Scleractinia; upper Barremian-lower Aptian; Schrattenkalk Fm.; Vorarlberg)
R. C. Baron-Szabo2008Corals of the K/T-boundary: Scleractinian corals of the suborders Dendrophylliina, Caryophylliina, Fungiina, Microsolenina, and Stylinina
R. C. Baron-Szabo2006Corals of the K/T‐boundary: Scleractinian corals of the suborders Astrocoeniina, Faviina, Rhipidogyrina and Amphiastraeina
R. C. Baron-Szabo2005Geographic and stratigraphic distributions of the Caribbean species of Cladocora (Scleractinia, Faviidae)
R. C. Baron-Szabo2003Taxonomie und ontogenie von scleractinen Korallen der ostalpinen Oberkreide (Hochmoos- und Grabenbachschichten, Gosau-Gruppe, Santon)
R. C. Baron-Szabo2002Scleractinian Corals of the Cretaceous. A Compilation of Cretaceous Forms with Descriptions, Illustrations and Remarks on Their Taxonomic Position
R. C. Baron-Szabo2001Corals of the Theresienstein reef (Upper Turonian–Coniacian, Salzburg, Austria)
R. C. Baron-Szabo2000Late Campanian-Maastrichtian corals from the United Arab Emirates-Oman border region
R. C. Baron-Szabo1999Taxonomy of Upper Cretaceous scleractinian corals of the Gosau Group (Weissenbachalm, Steiermark, Austria)
R. C. Baron-Szabo1998A new coral fauna from the Campanian of northern Spain (Torallola Village, Prov. Lleida)
R. C. Baron-Szabo1997Die Korallenfazies der ostalpinen Kreide (Helvetikum: Allgäuer Schrattenkalk; Nördliche Kalkalpen: Brandenberger Gosau). Taxonomie, Palökologie
R. C. Baron-Szabo1995Taxonomy and palaeoecology of Late Miocene corals of NW-Crete (Gramvoússa-, Roka- and Koukounaras-Fms.)
R. C. Baron-Szabo1993Korallen der höheren Unterkreide ('Urgon') von Nordspanien (Playa de Laga, Prov. Guernica)
R. C. Baron-Szabo, Cairns S. D.2015A new rhizangiid genus from the Miocene of North America (Sclerangia n. gen.; Florida, USA)
R. C. Baron-Szabo, Casadio, S., Parras, A.2004First shallow water scleractinian coral reef from the Danian, north ern Patagonia, Argentina
R. C. Baron-Szabo, Hamedani, A., Senowbari-Daryan, B.2003Scleractinian corals from Lower Cretaceous deposits north of Esfahan (central Iran)
R. C. Baron-Szabo, González-León C. M.1999Lower Cretaceous corals and stratigraphy of the Bisbee Group (Cerro de Oro and Lampazos areas), Sonora, Mexico
R. C. Baron-Szabo, González-León C. M.2003Late Aptian-Early Albian corals from the Mural Limestone of the Bisbee Group (Tuape and Cerro de Oro areas), Sonora, Mexico
R. C. Baron-Szabo, Fernandez-Mendiola P. A.1997Cretaceous scleractinian corals from the Albian of Cabo de Ajo (Cantabria Province, N-Spain)
R. C. Baron-Szabo, Schafhauser, A., Götz, S., Stinnesbeck, W.2006Scleractinian corals from the Cardenas Formation (Maastrichtian), San Luis Potosí, Mexico
R. C. Baron-Szabo, Steuber T.1996Korallen und Rudisten aus dem Apt im tertiären Flysch des Parnass-Gebirges bei Delphi-Arachowa (Mittelgriechenland)
U. Söhle1899Das Ammergebirge
U. Söhle1897Geologische Aufnahme des Labergebirges bei Oberammergau mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Cenomans in den bayerischen Alpen
V. Tchéchmédjiéva1996Arbanassiastraea louisae gen. n. sp. n. du Narremien superieur de la Bulgare du nord
V. Tchéchmédjiéva1995Madréporaires du Crétacé supérieur de l’arrondissement de Sliven (Balkan Central) [Upper Cretaceous corals from the Sliven district (central Balkan)]
V. Tchéchmédjiéva1995Fossilia Bulgarica Vb. Crétacé Supérieur. Chaetetides (Porifera) et Anthozoaires (Coelenterata)
V. Tchéchmédjiéva1990Predstaviteli na rod Zarchopzhchllia Lamarzk, 1801, v gornokrednata seruya v Plevensko [Representatives of the genus Caryophyllia Lamarck, 1801, of the Upper Cretaceous in the Pleven district]
V. Tchéchmédjiéva1988Espéces nouvelles de Madréporaires du Maestrichtien en Bulgarie du sud-ouest
V. Tchéchmédjiéva1986Paléoécologie des Madréporaires du Crétacé supérieur dans le Srednogorié de l'Ouest (Bulgarie occidentale)
V. Tchéchmédjiéva1985Skleraktinii ot gornata kreda v yugozapna Blgariya [Scleractinia of the Upper Cretaceous of south-western Bulgaria]
V. Tchéchmédjiéva1975Plesiosiderastraea garloica gen. n., sp. n. (ordre Madreporaria) du Maestrichtien de la Bulgarie du Sud-Ouest
V. Tchéchmédjiéva1974Gornokredni madreporovi korali ot yugozapadne Blgariya [Upper Cretaceous corals from south-western Bulgaria]
V. Tchéchmédjiéva1972Mastrikhtski madreporovi korali ot Breznishko yugozapadna Blgariya [Maastrichtian Madreporarian corals from Breznik, south-western Bulgaria]
V. Tchéchmédjiéva1970Tsiklolitoidni madrepori ot mastrikhta v Breznishko, yugozapadna Blgariya [Madreporian Cyclolitits from the Maastrichtian of Beznik, south-western Bulgaria]
V. Tchéchmédjiéva1981Anthozoa
D. H Thomas1935Jurassic corals and Hydrozoa, together with a re-description of Astrea caryophylloides Goldfuss
D. H Thomas1935On some sponges and a coral of Upper Cretaceous age from Toco Bay, Trinidad
D. H Thomas1935On Tricycloseris, Anabacia, and some new genera of Hexacoralla
D. H Thomas, Omara S.1957The Cenomanian compound coral, Aspidiscus cristatus (Lamarck), from Nezzazat, Western Sinai


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith