Corallosphere (Beta)

Extinct and Extant Reef Coral Biodiversity


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
J. E. N. Veron, Odorico, D. M., Chen, C. Allen, Miller, D. J.1996Reassessing evolutionary relationships of scleractinian corals
J. E. N. Veron, Pichon M.1982Scleractinia of Eastern Australia. Part IV. Family Poritidae
J. E. N. Veron, Pichon M.1980Scleractinia of Eastern Australia. Part III. Families Agariciidae, Siderastreidae, Fungiidae, Oculinidae, Merulinidae, Mussidae, Pectiniidae, Caryophylliidae, Dendrophylliidae
J. E. N. Veron, Pichon M.1976Scleractinia of Eastern Australia. Part I. Families Thamnasteriidae, Astrocoeniidae, Pocilloporidae
J. E. N. Veron, Pichon, M., Wijsman-Best, M.1977Scleractinia of Eastern Australia. Part II. Families Faviidae, Trachyphylliidae
J. E. N. Veron, Wallace C. C.1984Scleractinia of Eastern Australia. Part V. Family Acroporidae
A. E. Verrill1905The Bermuda Islands. Part IV—geology and paleontology, and Part V—an account of the coral reefs
A. E. Verrill1902Review of "The Stony Corals of Porto Rican Waters"
A. E. Verrill1901Variations and nomenclature of Bermudian, West Indian, and Brazilian reef corals, with notes on various Indo-Pacific corals
A. E. Verrill1901Notes on corals of the genus Acropora (Madrepora Lam.) with new descriptions and figures of types, and of several new species
A. E. Verrill1870Review of the corals and polyps of the west coast of America
A. E. Verrill1869On new and imperfectly known echinoderms and corals
A. E. Verrill1868Notice of the corals and echinoderms collected by Prof. C. F. Hartt, at the Abrolhos Reefs, Province of Bahia, Brazil, 1867
A. E. Verrill1866On the polyps and corals of Panama, with descriptions of new species
A. E. Verrill1866Synopsis of the polyps and corals of the North Pacific Exploring Expedition, under Commodore C. Ringgold and Captain John Rodgers, U.S.N., from 1853 to 1856. Collected by Dr. Wm. Stimpson, naturalist to the expedition. With descriptions of some additional
A. E. Verrill1865Classification of polyps: (Extract condensed from a synopsis of the polypi of the North Pacific Exploring Expedition, under Captains Ringgold and Rodgers, U.S.N.)
A. E. Verrill1864List of the polyps and corals sent by the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy to other institutions in exchange, with annotations
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A. Vidal1980Los Scleractinia de Collades de Bastús (Con.-Sant., prepirineo de la provincia de Lérida)
L. M. Vidal1921Contribución a la paleontologia del cretácico de Cataluña
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L. M. Vidal1874Datos para el conocimiento del terreno garumnense de Cataluña
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C. Volpi, Benvenuti D.2003The Duchassaing & Michelotti collection of Caribbean corals: status of the types and location of the specimens
W. Volz1903Über eine Korallenfauna aus dem Neocom der Bukowina
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E. von Marenzeller1907Über den Septennachwuchs der Eupsamminen E. H.
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E. von Marenzeller1888Ueber einige japanische Turbinoliiden
A. von Koenen1885Über eine Paleocäne fauna von Kopenhagen
K. von Fritsch1878Fossile korallen der Nummulitenschichten von Borneo
K. E. von Schafhäutl1877Über eine neue Koralle Ktenodema im Diceratenkalk von Kelheim
E. von Eichwald1865Lethaea Rossica ou Paléontologie de la Russie. Second volume. Période moyenne
K. E. von Schafhäutl1863Atlas zu Süd-Bayerns Lethaea Geognostica. Der Kressenberg und die südlich von ihm gelegenen Hochalpen geognostisch betrachtet in ihren Petrefacten
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E. F. Baron von Schlotheim1820Die Petrefactenkunde auf ihrem jetzigen Standpunkte durch die Beschreibung seiner Sammlung versteinerter und fossiler Überreste des Thier- und Pflanzenreichs der Vorwelt erläutert
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F. G von Waldheim1807Mis en ordre systématique et décrit
C. C. Wallace2012Acroporidae of the Caribbean
C. C. Wallace2008New species and records from the Eocene of England and France support early diversification of the coral genus Acropora
C. C. Wallace1999Staghorn Corals of the World: A Revision of the Coral Genus Acropora
C. C. Wallace1997Indo-Pacific centre of coral diversity re-examined at species level
C. C. Wallace1997New species and new records of recently described species of the coral genus Acropora (Scleractinia: Astrocoeniina: Acroporidae) from Indonesia
C. C. Wallace, Budd A. F.2009Mirror-image fossils reveal colony form of extinct Curaçao Isopora
C. C. Wallace, Chen, C. Allen, Fukami, H., Muir, P. R.2007Recognition of separate genera within Acropora based on new morphological, reproductive and genetic evidence from Acropora togianensis, and elevation of the subgenus Isopora Studer, 1878 to genus (Scleractinia: Astrocoeniidae; Acroporidae)
C. C. Wallace, Done, B. J., Muir, P. R.2012Revision and catalogue of worldwide staghorn corals Acropora and Isopora (Scleractinia: Acroporidae) in the Museum of Tropical Queensland
C. C. Wallace, Pandolfi, J. M., Young, A., Wolstenholme, J. K.1991Indo-Pacific coral biogeography: a case study from the Acropora selago group
C. C. Wallace, Phongsuwan, N., Muir, P. R.2012A new species of staghorn coral, Acropora sirikitiae sp. nov. (Scleractinia: Astrocoeniina: Acroporidae) from western Thailand


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith