A variety of colony shapes occur, as growth may be determinate, leading to more or less symmetrical shape and obvious edge zone, or indeterminate, leading to unrestricted growth (Wallace 1999 p. 50-51). Other distinguishing characteristics include the relative contribution of axial and radial corallites to branch width, shape of radial corallites, whether or not radial corallites are dimorphic, shape and arrangement of coenosteal spines. (Figure 4). Montipora does not haveand Astreopora
Acroporidae which are ramose, rarely encrusting; branching mode axial, each branch having a single axial or leading corallite larger than the numerous radial corallites budded from it; radial corallites variously differentiated in shape and size, up to twelve spinose septa; theca and coenosteum light, reticulate, spinose, costate or pseudocostate; columella and dissepiments absent.
Monographed Brook 1893, Veron and Wallace 1984, Wallace 1999. Valid extant species number between about 120 and 140 (Wallace 1999; Veron 2000); valid fossil species approx. 20-30 (Michellotti 1838, Duncan 1866, Oppenheim 1901, Alvarez Perez 1987, Wallace 2008). Active research will lead to new species descriptions in both living and fossil records. This genus becomes extremely diverse in the Indo-Pacific but not in the Western Atlantic during the Late Cenozoic. See Wallace (1999) for a comprehensive treatment of the genus and included species
Axial corallites are also seen in some species of Isopora, but with supplementary or multiple axials, and in one species of Astreopora. Acropora and Isopora differ in gametic morphology, ova and spermaries being born within mesenterial filaments in Acropora and on stalks in Isopora, and also in reproductive mode, Acropora being a spawner versus Isopora a brooder oviparous versus viviparous). Montipora corallites do not have a theca and Astreopora does not typically have differentiated axial and radial corallites. Anacropora and Dendracis both have branching colony form, but without an axial corallite or, in the case of Anacropora, thecae.
Southern Europe; Paleocene
Subsaharan Africa; Paleocene
Western Europe; Eocene
Southern Europe; Eocene
Eastern Europe; Eocene
Subsaharan Africa; Eocene
Central America; Eocene
Western Europe; Oligocene
Southern Europe; Oligocene
Eastern Europe; Oligocene
Central America; Oligocene
Caribbean; Oligocene
South America; Oligocene
Caribbean, Southeast Asia; Miocene - Pliocene
Western Europe; Miocene
Southern Europe; Miocene
North Africa; Miocene
South Asia; Miocene
East Asia; Miocene
Micronesia; Miocene
Polynesia; Miocene
North America; Miocene
Central America; Miocene
Caribbean; Miocene
South America; Miocene
West Asia; Miocene
Southeast Asia; Miocene
Central America, Caribbean, Southeast Asia; Pliocene - Pleistocene
East Asia; Pliocene
Melanesia; Pliocene
Polynesia; Pliocene
North America; Pliocene
Central America; Pliocene
Caribbean; Pliocene
West Asia; Pliocene
Southeast Asia; Pliocene
East Asia; Pleistocene - Holocene
North Africa; Pleistocene
Subsaharan Africa; Pleistocene
South Asia; Pleistocene
East Asia; Pleistocene
Australasia; Pleistocene
Melanesia; Pleistocene
Micronesia; Pleistocene
Polynesia; Pleistocene
North America; Pleistocene
Central America; Pleistocene
Caribbean; Pleistocene
South America; Pleistocene
West Asia; Pleistocene
West Indian Ocean Islands; Pleistocene
Southeast Asia; Pleistocene
Indian Ocean; Recent
Western Pacific; Recent
Central Pacific; Recent
Eastern Pacific; Recent
Western Atlantic; Recent
South Asia; Holocene
East Asia; Holocene
Australasia; Holocene
Melanesia; Holocene
Micronesia; Holocene
Polynesia; Holocene
North America; Holocene
Caribbean; Holocene
West Indian Ocean Islands; Holocene