Corallosphere (Beta)

Extinct and Extant Reef Coral Biodiversity


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A. F. Budd2010Tracing the long-term evolution of a species complex: Examples from the Montastraea "annularis" complex
A. F. Budd2000Diversity and extinction in the Cenozoic history of Caribbean reefs
A. F. Budd1993Variation within and among morphospecies of Montastraea
A. F. Budd1991Neogene paleontology in the northern Dominican Republic 11. The family Faviidae (Anthozoa: Scleractinia). Part I. The genera Montastraea and Solenastrea
A. F. Budd1990Longterm patterns of morphological variation within and among species of reef-corals and their relationship to sexual reproduction
A. F. Budd1988Large-scale evolutionary patterns in the reef-coral Montastraea: the role of phenotypic plasticity
A. F. Budd, Coates A. G.1992Nonprogressive evolution in a clade of Cretaceous Montastraea-like corals
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A. F. Budd, Guzman H. M.1994Siderastrea glynni, a new species of scleractinian coral (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) from the eastern Pacific
A. F. Budd, Johnson K. G.1999Origination of preceding extinction during late Cenozoic turnover of Caribbean reefs
A. F. Budd, Johnson K. G.1999Neogene paleontology in the northern Dominican Republic 19. The family Faviidae (Anthozoa: Scleractinia). Part II. The genera Caulastraea, Favia, Diploria, Thysanus, Hadrophyllia, Manicina and Colpophyllia
A. F. Budd, Johnson K. G.1997Coral reef community dynamics over 8 million years of evolutionary time: stasis and turnover
A. F. Budd, Johnson, K. G., Edwards, J. C.1989Miocene coral assemblages in Anguilla, B. W. I., and their implications for the interpretation of vertical succession on fossil reefs
A. F. Budd, Johnson, K. G., Potts, D. C.1994Recognizing morphospecies in colonial reef corals: I. Landmark-based methods
A. F. Budd, Jr, C. T. Foster, Dawson, J. P., Johnson, K. G.2001The Neogene Marine Biota of Tropical America ("NMITA") database: accounting for biodiversity in paleontology
A. F. Budd, Klaus J. S.2001The origin and early evolution of the Montastraea "annularis" species complex (Anthozoa: Scleractinia)
A. F. Budd, Klaus J. S.2008Early evolution of the Montastraea "annularis" species complex (Anthozoa: Scleractinia): evidence from the Mio-Pliocene of the Dominican Republic
A. F. Budd, Nunes, F. L. D., Weil, E., Pandolfi, J. M.2012Polymorphism in a common Atlantic reef coral (Montastraea cavernosa) and its long-term evolutionary implications
A. F. Budd, Pandolfi J. M.2004Overlapping species boundaries and hybridization within the Montastraea "annularis" reef coral complex in the Pleistocene of the Bahama Islands
A. F. Budd, Romano, S. L., Smith, N. D., Barbeitos, M. S.2010Rethinking the phylogeny of scleractinian corals: A review of morphological and molecular data


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith